New tagline for REMAX

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05. 12. 2015
We are looking for an original tagline to celebrate 10 years of success of REMAX on the Czech Market

Wow! Ten years! Market leader! We have something to celebrate. We are looking for a unique and celebratory tagline we could use with the name RE/MAX. Up until now we used RE/MAX - the biggest seller of properties in the world. We would like a new tagline - more celebratory, but not too cocky. Now the clients know us and we are the market leaders, so we would like to have a tagline that would explain why we are leaders specifically on the Czech market. We also want an original tagline, not just an average one. The tagline can be very creative, even edgy, but definitely evoke positive feelings. During our involvement on this market, we have distinguished ourselves in four different aspects of business: we have the highest recognition among customers, we have the largest distribution network, we are the most professional and we have changed the rules of the market to make them more ethical. 

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From all of the reactions, it was obvious that the current tagline works for Remax, and they shouldn't change it. Thus, there was not a winner of a contest, but there were other prizes distributed.

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