THE CHEER for the Czech National Soccer Team


02. 12. 2015
Czech Soccer Association is looking for a great cheer for the national soccer team, that would motivate the team to do better and will create a wonderful atmosphere in the stands. So we are looking for a cheer that will be enjoyed by both the players and the fans, in the best case even the whole country. We need to find something that shows our pride, heart and soul. Something that will give our soccer players the motivation to play their heart out for their fans. Not all national teams have exciting cheers, but there are definitely several cheers that show the personality of the citizens of the respective country. You can create something like: We care, our hearts are in now, it is up to you and let's roll with it...the winner will receive 50.000 CZK and the top 5 ideas will get great tickets, soccer gear and public announcement at a press conference
Soccer fans and other bakers sent thousands of ideas. We selected 24 ideas and we let the other Bakers choose the best. The winning cheer was "Nejste tady sami, my bojujem s Vami" which is loosely translated as "You are not alone, we are here to help!"